Controls Tough-To-Kill Broadleaf Weeds as part of an Integrated Weed Management Program
A selective herbicide with an underutilized mode of action, TOUGH® 5EC provides post-emergence control of actively growing broadleaf weeds.
TOUGH 5EC is especially effective on Kochia, Pigweeds, Palmer Amaranth, Waterhemp, Common Lambsquarters, and Black Nightshades. It is even effective on strains resistant to other more-commonly used herbicides.
Alternative post emergence broadleaf weed control options do not exist for chickpea growers, and there are currently no economically or environmentally feasible practices available. Unirrigated acres rely on rainfall to active pre-emergence herbicides to suppress or control weeds. Often 20% or more yield is lost due to weed growth.
To help solve this critical need for Pacific northwest growers, Dr. Ian Burke and his team at Washington State University evaluated TOUGH 5EC.
Research trials demonstrate that TOUGH 5EC is a viable product for common lambsquarters and mayweed chamomile control at levels that result in increased yields. Trials were conducted without a pre-emergent herbicide application to simulate lack of moisture for activation. See chart on left.
For more information, including how to purchase, please contact your Belchim USA representative.