

TOUGH® 5EC Features


CONTACT herbicide

FAST-ACTING (7-10 days)

SAFE (will not cause injury to crops)

NO Plant Back Restrictions

EXCELLENT EFFICACY on difficult-to-control, actively growing broadleaf weeds




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Controls Tough-To-Kill Broadleaf Weeds

A selective herbicide with an underutilized mode of action, TOUGH® 5EC enhances post-emergence control of actively growing broadleaf weeds. With a wide window of application, this pyridate-based product is a contact herbicide that works across a broad spectrum of weeds.

TOUGH 5EC is especially effective on Pigweeds, Palmer Amaranth, Waterhemp, Kochia, Common Lambsquarters, and Black Nightshades. It is even effective on strains resistant to other more-commonly used herbicides.

Adding TOUGH 5EC to your integrated weed management program can also help to combat weed resistance, leading to a higher quality crop.

Currently approved for use on corn, mint, chickpeas and lentils. Contact your Belchim USA representative for more information.


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TOUGH® 5EC Herbicide | Belchim USA Crop Protection
TOUGH® 5EC Herbicide | Belchim USA Crop Protection
TOUGH® 5EC & TOUGH R™ Provide Innovation Solutions For Corn Growers | Belchim USA Crop Protection
Belchim USA's products, TOUGH 5EC® and TOUGH R™, provide corn growers with innovative solutions for killing resistant weeds. (pending EPA registration)
Evaluation of TOUGH® 5EC for Enhancing Control of Glyphosate-Resistant Common Waterhemp in Corn
Dr. Bill Johnson, Professor of Weed Science at Purdue University, evaluates TOUGH® 5EC Herbicide for enhancing control of glyphosate-resistant common Waterhemp in corn.